Sindibad (2020)

Sindibad is the first Iraqi company to offer online flight ticket reservations, including both online and offline (at the customer's home for residents of our beloved Baghdad) payment options.
Since I joined at the beginning, I was responsible for making sure the user experience was excellent.

Persona And Questionary

The first step was to get to know the users better by conducting a survey and identifying their needs. During the process, five candidate personas were created. One of the best findings from this phase was that users prefer to pay offline and in person over the online version. Following that, it became one of the business's main focuses.

Competitor Analysis

The next step was to examine the market leading competitors, including Kayak, Expedia, Booking, and others. We inspected and documented every aspect of their product, including the user flow.

Wireframes And Testing

It was time to prototype and test the ideas with real users. Test sessions were conducted online, and the results greatly improved the final designs.

Final Design

My knowledge of Sindibad's users was completely new to me, and I have learned a lot through research and data collection. I enjoyed learning about people from another country and developing a product for them.